
The person who told us about this cave never mentioned the giant bats. If we had known we never could have come down here and woken them up.

They’ve had us trapped now for 3 days.

We thought daylight make stop the assault, then remembered that there is no daylight this deep underground.

We will run out of food and water soon, and things will get rough, but right now we’re just happy the old lumber this ancient cabin is made of has held together under their constant bombardment, and thankful for whoever build a cabin underground to start with.


(100 words)

I’m using the #inktober2022 prompts to write a 100 word drabble every day this month.


Something scurried in the basement. The damn woman had let it out again!


She appeared immediately in his door. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry. He slipped out past me. I’ll get him back in Johnny, I promise. He won’t get out again.”

“No,” he said. “I’m tired of the little bastard getting out. Gonna teach it a lesson.”

He shoved her aside and grabbed a golf club

Creeping down the basement stairs, he saw it immediately, but it turned to look at him before he could swing.

“Dada,” it cooed, holding its hands out to him with a sloppy grin.


(100 words)

I am using #inktober2022 prompts to write a drabble of exactly 100 words every day in October to get ready for NaNoWriMo this year.


Standing by the curtained window, she shuddered.

It was out there.

Why did a modern home have a gargoyle anyway? There was no good reason for this grotesque thing to be overhead.

Gargoyles came alive a night, didn’t they? She was being silly, but it was dark and she was alone.

Stop being a child, she told herself, sweeping aside the curtain.

It loomed, right where it belonged.

“Just a statue,” she said.

Stone ground loudly against stone as its head turned towards the sound of her voice.

“Just a statue,” she whispered, letting the curtain fall back into place.